
SolarPower Europe presents agrisolar digital map

2024-06-03 00:00

SolarPower Europe has published a digital map highlighting more than 200 agrivoltaic projects across Europe.

The featured projects, both pilot and commercial, equate to more than 15 GW of combined capacity. They represent a series of technologies, including ground-mounted PV, inter-row PV, dynamic PV, overhead PV, farm rooftop PV, and solar greenhouses, all tailored to accommodate different agricultural activities.

Thus far, the map features projects in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Lina Dubina, policy adviser at SolarPower Europe, said the map unveils how agrisolar and farming can go hand in hand to support a multitude of crops.

“Agrisolar can also integrate with livestock farming practices, including sheep grazing, cows, hens, and beekeeping,” she added. “”Many agrisolar projects featured on the map incorporate biodiversity initiatives aimed at preserving and enhancing ecosystems. These initiatives include tracking wildflowers as well as various animal species, further underscoring the environmental benefits of agrisolar integration.”

Users can filter the projects by capacity, technology type, application, project type, country and developing company. Among the largest projects featured is a 79 MW ground mounted PV array where free range chickens live under solar panels, developed by Vattenfall in Tützpatz, Germany, and a 87.88 MW farm rooftop PV project, developed by Sun’Agri in La Mure, France.

Last year, SolarPower Europe released best practice guidelines for agrivoltaics. In recent weeks, FranceCatalonia and Czechia have all released guidance for adopting the technology.

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